11 June 2014

The Layers of the Sun

Last time, we learned that the Sun does not rotate uniformly.  Today, we will learn that the Sun is made up of many layers, much like the Earth has different layers.  However, the Sun's layers are different.

As we can see from the image, there are three layers in the interior of the Sun.  The Sun also has three layers above the surface.
From the interior out, the six layers are:
  1. The core where all the fusion and energy production occurs
  2. The radiative layer (which is the subject for a later post)
  3. The convective layer
  4. The photosphere - the "surface" of the Sun. This is what we see when we look at the Sun, which you shouldn't
  5. The corona
What is unusual about the Sun is everything in the five outer layers have not changed since the Sun was formed.  There are distinct boundaries that keep the layers from mixing.
All the hydrogen that has fused in the Sun was in the core at the Sun's birth.  None of the outer layers will change over the course of the Sun's life.  Eventually, the material that makes up the Sun will end up in another star and probably be converted into other material.

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