17 July 2014

A Day on Venus

Venus has a unique day.  Granted, Mercury can have a day where the Sun travels from west to east in the sky, can even set again in the east only to rise again later, but this does not happen every day on Mercury.  Venus day is even weirder.


Yes, that is correct. It takes Venus less time to complete one revolution around the Sun than it takes to complete one full rotation on its axis.  Its orbital period is 224.7 Earth days.  Its rotational period is 243.0 Earth days.  Recall that both these are in reference to distant stars.

The orbital period, or sidereal period, of Venus is how long it takes for Venus, the Sun, and a distant star to be in the same configuration.  This is generally called its year.

The rotational period, or sidereal day, is how long it takes for a star to appear at the same longitude in the sky.  For Venus, this is 243 Earth days.  However, the solar day is how long it takes for the Sun to go from noon to noon.  For Venus, this is actually 117 Earth days.  How are these so different?
*This is my awesome artistic skills
As you can see, as Venus goes around the Sun, it's rotation is slow enough that it takes just over half a solar year for Venus to go from noon to noon.  However, it has just completed over half a rotation in that time.  Therefore, it takes almost another half a solar year to complete one full rotation on its axis.
There is another strange phenomena about the rotation of Venus.  On almost all the planets, the Sun generally rises in the east and sets in the west.  We've already discussed Mercury's strange day and Uranus day is strange as well, but Venus is the weirdest.  The Sun exclusively rises in the west and sets in the east.  We call this retrograde rotation.  If we view the solar system from above (i.e. looking down on the Earth's north pole), all the planets rotate counterclockwise (also called anticlockwise).  Venus, however, rotates clockwise.  
The way this is explained is by describing the inclination of Venus' orbit.  The Earth is tilted 23.5° with respect to its orbital axis.  Venus's inclination is 177°.  Why not 3°?  A 3° inclination would suggest that Venus rotates like all the other planets, counterclockwise (west to east).  By saying Venus has an inclination of 177°, we know that Venus rotates clockwise (east to west).  That is why the Sun rises in the west and sets in the east on Venus. 
Both the slow rotational speed of Venus and its almost 180° inclination are probably explained by the same thing: early in its creation, Venus was hit but a large planetoid body which caused it to flip upside down and considerably slowed down its rotation.
*Forgive my horrible drawings, as I am not an artist.  But I feel I should probably start using my own images instead of resorting to Google to find them.


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